The institution may decide to interview the employee contact list top two or three on the list to select one. The applicant waits for the results of his application for position from other institutions until he is selected by one and is employed. The Technote provides for incredible speed and simplicity in employee contact list employment for job-seekers as well as the employers not available before, in a democratic manner and in accordance with the principle of equality of opportunity. At the same time a tremendous amount of time, red tape, and money presently employee contact list wasted in employment process is saved.
Electoral Process It may be said that employee contact list the most important task of the Technote is to provide for a democratic electoral process on the basis of equality of opportunity through its enormous capacity to carry out elections for any office in the country. This is a device that for the first time provides for popular democracy and thus materializing the concept of government by the people, of the people and for the people. Each employee contact list individual is issued an electronic identification card (EID) similar to a credit card, may be smaller in size, containing several megabyte capacity. It contains all information about the owner including birth date, gender, citizenship, residence employee contact list address, education, employment background, convictions if any.
This card is self-updating. Each time employee contact list it is inserted in the computer, it is updated if a new information about the owner has been entered in the Technote such as a speeding ticket or any kind of verified illegal action or conviction. On election day, the individual, wherever in the planet with access to computer, inserts his EID card in the computer and votes for any office up for election. Upon the insertion of the card, the employee contact list Technote checks information stored in it, verifies and then allows the voter to proceed with voting on the elections website. After he makes his selection for the national, regional or local offices, he clicks he register button. but before employee contact list his vote is registered, the computer shows him the list of his choices.